Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Climate change, green holidays and Grizzlies

What’s up in Montreal?
Just the future of the planet being determined by representatives from
156 countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol, coming together  to
hammer out specifics on how to slow damage from greenhouse gases. All
that’s missing is US, the largest contributor to global warming!  We’ll
hear from Michele Perrault, VP of Sierra Club International, as well as Jennifer Layke, with the World Resources Institute’s Climate Program, both checking in from the Conference of Parties.
Assuming they make the right decisions – and Christmas comes this year
– we’ll get  some ideas for a greener, more gratifying, holiday season
from Betsy Taylor at the Center For A New American Dream, as well as tips for kicking the holiday junkie habit from EcoTalk’s Science Editor, Shana Weber. And there’s bad news for bears – why the administration is taking aim at the endangered Yellowstone Grizzly. The NRDC’s Louisa Wilcox will tell us why we should care if the bear is de-listed. Global warming, green holidays and grizzlies, oh my!
LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

MicheleperraultMichele Perrault, Sierra Club Vice-President, describes the NGOs participation at the Climate Conference in Montreal.
LISTEN (10 min)

Read the blog of Sierra  Club’s Fred Huette.

About cool cities.

Ayke_jenniferTedglick_1Jennifer Layke explains how the Green Power Marketing Group brings together companies that want to reduce their ecological footprint.
Ted Glick of the Climate Crisis Coalition talks about catastrophic climate change and the international day of action happening on December 3.

LISTEN (7 min)


ShanaBetsytaylorShana Weber (left)  tells us about ways to reduce waste while Betsy Taylor of the Center for a New American Dream shares sustainable and meaningful ideas to celebrate the holidays.
Listen (12 min)

More about Holiday waste prevention

Louisawillcox_1Louisa Willox who heads NRDC’s Wild Bears project,explains why it would be detrimental to remove the Grizzly Bears
from the endangered species list while there are only about 600
individuals left in Yellowstone and Glacier.

Listen (7 min)

Postcard_grizzly3You can help by asking the administration to keep the Grizzly Bears on the list.

Help get EcoTalk Off The Endangered List

Green Gifts, Polluted Air

the Thanksgiving holiday comes thoughts of holiday gift buying – so
what’s a greenie to do in the season of consumption? We’ll speak with Paul McRandle, Senior Research Editor for The Green Guide about some eco-friendly options including bamboo shirts, recycled metal
jewelry and even less toxic cell phones for the tree-hugger on your
list!  LISTEN to the whole show (37 min) 

Organic We’ll find out about gift baskets stuffed with everything from
organic fruits and cheeses to natural personal care products from Eco-Express founder, Tamara Raphael.

LISTEN (11 min)

JennaGaiagirlsIn our second segment we’ll meet Lee Welles, the author of a new book – Gaia Girls
a fantasy adventure with an environmental message perfect for the 9-13
year old on your list. We’ll get an enthusiastic review from
fifth-grader Jenna Zimmerman (picture on the left).

LISTEN (7 min)


Terrishore And then we’ll turn to air
pollution caused by cargo and container ships and why it’s a major
health concern. We’ll get a report from NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld and in-studio guest, Teri Shore, with Bluewater Network

LISTEN (12 min)

RobbinmarksIn our last segment we’ll chat with Robbin Marks, of American Rivers,
and learn why the hydroelectric industry is so pleased with the new
Bush inspired energy policy and how environmental protection is getting
sold down the river.

LISTEN (8 min)

Support and spread the word about EcoTalk

October 30, 2006

Dear Friends of the Planet,

Did you know you have your own national radio show — devoted exclusively
to environmental challenges and sustainable solutions?  EcoTalk
with Betsy Rosenberg
has expanded to a daily format and is heard
across the nation five days a week on AM radio (Air America Radio Network)
and XM Satellite Radio, streamed on the Internet, and podcast through
iTunes. Nowhere else will you hear the voices behind green news – and
the eco-visionaries who deserve to be in the headlines but are overlooked
by mainstream media.

We need
help on two fronts:

First, its ratings season!  Now
is the time for you and your friends to tune in to your environment
through EcoTalk. These conversations are relevant to everyone who eats,
drinks or breathes!  To find a local station, go to or listen on iTunes — and then forward this message to help spread the word about EcoTalk’s powerful, "tree-free"
interview program.  If your local radio station doesn’t carry
EcoTalk yet, you can call the program director and ask them to air EcoTalk. 
Ratings matter – because that’s what attracts sponsors, and those
sponsors will allow EcoTalk to remain on the air.

Second, speaking of sponsors and money,
EcoTalk needs both!
We have an incredible, targeted national green
audience and want to continue spreading the word.  If you know
of any businesses, environmental organizations or other people interested
in advertising or partnering with EcoTalk, please send us an email,
at  We are also seeking individual investors
and donations – as well as foundation support for our Environmental
Journalism Program.

Can we count on your support?  Please
send gratitude, sponsor leads, investment inquiries and even checks
to or to EcoTalk, P.O. Box 29025, San Francisco, CA
94129. Or call our office (415) 561-2165. 

With tremendous respect, warm regards, and more than a little urgency,

The EcoTalk Team

You want to support the show

A few of you have asked how/where they can send a financial contribution to support the show.
Here is our snail mail address:

The Presidio
PO.Box 29025
San Francisco, CA 94941

If you want to advertise on EcoTalk call 415 561-2165

Thank you in advance!

Forests, food, energy

Another victory in Congress, at least the opening round
– Last week drilling in ANWR was blocked in a budget vote and Wednesday,
in a rare bipartisan move, senators from both sides of the aisle teamed up with
religious leaders and environmentalists to introduce legislation that would
jump start cleaner car technology and promote development of alternative fuels.
We’ll get reaction from Deron Lovaas,
Vehicles Campaign director for the NRDC
, on the significance of this
drive. Now that drilling prospects in Alaska
have been thwarted – at least for the time being – there’s a
new push to open up more coastal drilling. What’s at stake and what can
be done?  Lisa Speer, with the
NRDC’s Ocean Protection Initiative
, will weigh in.  And
how is China’s
changing landscape, and growing footprint, putting global pressure on resources
from oil and water to steel?  We’ll
speak with Chinese eco-activist, Wen Bo, of Pacific Environment
, for
a first hand report.  And speaking of china, what’s on your dinner
table this Thanksgiving and where did it come from?  We’ll meet Theresa Marquez, catalyst for The Earth Dinner,
a festive new way to celebrate food, farms and our bountiful planet.
Also, the author of a new book that celebrates organic farming called Fields That Dream – A Journey To The Roots of
Our Food – Jenny Kurzweil
will check in. Last, but not least,
are our national forests under fire from Bush and Co. and are your tax dollars
contributing to the destruction? What you should know, and why you should care,
from Carl Ross, Founder of Save America’s

LISTEN to the whole show (37 min) 

Betsy’s guests this week are:

WenboWen Bo, is a Beijing based consultant for Pacific Environment.

Listen (11 min)


CarlrosssaveforestsCarl Ross is Director of Save America’s Forests

Listen (7 min)




Theresa_marquezorganicvalleyTheresa Marquez is Chief Marketing Executive for Organic Valley Cooperative.

Learn more about the Earth Dinner.

Listen (12 min)



Filedsthatdream_1Kurzweiljenny_1Jenny Kurzweil is the author of "Fields that dream: a journey to the roots of our food"

Listen (2 min)



In our NRDC partner segment:
Deron_1 Deron Lovaas, Vehicle campaign director, responsible for the "Break the chain" oil security campaign talks about a new bipartisan effort in the Senate to save oil.

Also more about Katrina and Oil, NeoCons driving Priuses and the Set America Free Coalition.   Listen (4 min)

Ls_at_unLisa Speer, Co-director of the Ocean Protection Initiative, about coastal oil drilling.

Listen (3 min)


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