Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Welcome and thank you to our sponsors and listeners

Pet Ecology
is our title sponsor and our environmental sponsors are NRDC, the Union of Concerned Scientists and Earthjustice: thank you for your support. Listen (30 sec)

Hismastersvoice2 More sponsors are needed (Listen 1 min) to grow the program so we rely on our listeners to spread the word: contact  AAR for support and more airtime, contact your favorite environmental groups to ask them to become sponsors,

ask other local radio stations
to carry the show, talk to your friends about EcoTalk, post links on your blogs and if you have some $ to give, they are most welcome too 🙂
You can send your a donation to:
EcoTalk, P.O.
Box 29025,

San Francisco, CA 94129.

We are giving again the links to this week’s show for our subscribers (who receive the most recent info directly into their mailbox):

The Top Five Environmental Stories Of The Year with David Roberts, Assistant Editor for our favorite green news website, Grist magazine.

Listen (10 min)

Amy Warren, of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency – tells us about a model anti-idling program getting revved up in the Seattle area.  Listen (7 min)

The End of Suburbia with Julian Darley, founder and director of the Post-Carbon Institute
Listen (11 min)

NRDC‘s Daniel Hinerfeld  critiques Syriana this geo-political thriller, starring George Clooney.The movie is also an opportunity to participate in the Oil Change campaign to reduce our dependance on oil, inspired by the film and organized by NRDC and the Sierra Club.
Listen (7 min)

LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

Top Ecostories of 2005 and green-tinted films

Before 2005 becomes just another bad memory we’ll do a quick rewind and name the Top Five Environmental Stories Of The Year with David Roberts, Assistant Editor for our favorite green news website, Grist magazine.

Listen (10 min)

Then on to some better news with Amy Warren, of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency – she’ll tell us about a model anti-idling program getting revved up in the Seattle area. Idling tidbits to keep in mind:
On average, a single vehicle dropping
off and picking up kids at one school puts three pounds of pollution
into the air per month.

Vehicle idling consumes 1/2 to 1 gallon of fuel per hour. Put another way, idling = ZERO mpg. It is more efficient to turn off and restart your car than it is to idle for more than 30 seconds.
Asthma is the most common chronic
illness in children and the cause of most school absences.  Children’s
asthma symptoms increase as a result of car exhaust.

Also contributing to this segment is EcoTalk’s co-producer Shana Weber talking about commercial truck idling, the new laws in place and new technology that makes it easier to turn those big engines off at night and still stay comfortable in the cab.
Listen (7 min)

Our second half will focus on films with a green tint…first, The End of Suburbia with Julian Darley, founder and director of the Post-Carbon Institute
this DVD is playing at house parties across America and driving
housewives to abandon their SUVs en masse (we wish).

Listen (11 min)


The second film in
the EcoTalk spotlight is Syriana. NRDC‘s Daniel Hinerfeld  critique this geo-political thriller, starring George Clooney. It is a project of Participants production, a different type of producer. The movie is also an opportunity to participate in the Oil Change campaign to reduce our dependance on oil, inspired by the film and organized by NRDC and the Sierra Club.
Listen (7 min)

LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)


Feedblitz replaces bloglet as subscribing service

Feedblitz is offering additional features and services.
Happy new year!

Previous shows in 2006

Maybe you would like to take a look (and listen) at our previous shows aired since January 7.
To help you navigate 14 shows, 59 segments and 8+ hours of programs, you’ll find below a chronological list of all the segments.
If you want to listen to the whole show the easiest way is to go to the archives maintained by Air America Radio Place (thanks a million Bob!).
If you only want to listen to a specific segment within a show, note a name to identify the show and use the search function on the right side of our home page just under Betsy’s picture 🙂
You can also note the date and use the monthly archives, right under the search feature. Pick up the month the show was aired and with a click you can scroll down and find the show you are looking for among the segments aired that month.

There is also a list for the shows aired in 2005 and the shows aired in 2004.

# 92  April 15
Greening San Fancisco, with Mayor Gavin Newsom
Paper or Plastic, with Author Daniel Imhoff
Chemical Policy Reform, with Well Network’s Peggy Lauer and Annette Gillert
Alaska Conservation Solutions, with President Deborah Williams

# 91 April 8
Justice for Bhopal, with International Dow Accountability Campaign Coordinator Diana Ruiz and Attorney Rajan Sharman
Save Alaska’s Pikas, by Ecotalk’s Shana Weber
Green Investments, with Jack Robinson, CEO of Winslow Management Company
Saving Salmon, with Seattle Earthjustice Attorney Kristen Boyles

# 90 April 1
Global Warming, Be Worried, with Time Magazine’s Jeffrey Kluger
Black Mesa: Coal Against Water, by NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld
Easy Steps for Eco-friendly Living with Author-Designer Kimberly Rider for her Healthy Home Workbook
Greener Pastures, with Kate Clancy, Senior Scientist with UCS Food and Environment Program

# 89 March 25
Fight Global Warming, with Steve Cochran about the new Ad Council Campaign
Think Outside the Bottle, with Patti Lynn, Campaigns Director of Corporate Accountability International
Environmental Justice and Poverty, with Kathryn Schulz, Editor at Large with Grist Magazine
From Gale to Dick, with NRDC’s Land Program Director Sharon Buccino, about Gale Norton and Dick Hempthorne

# 88 March 18
Global Warming is a Bibilical Issue, with Jim Wallis, Editor in Chief of Sojourners Magazine
Meet the Coal Cow Boy, Montana Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer
Unethical Testing of Humans is Wrong, with Eartjustice’s Attorney Jan Hasselman

# 87 March 9
A Tribute to Dennis Weaver, with Peter La Vaute, Director of the Institute of Ecolonomics
Ecofriendly Schools, with Jill Buck, President of the Go Green Initiative
The Fate of the Ocean, with film maker and author Julia Whitty about the March/April issue of Mother Jones
Call Your Senator Against Offshore Drilling, with NRDC’s Jim Presswood

# 86  March 4
James Speth about Global Warming, Dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Author of Red Sky at Morning
Wild Wilderness Needs Advocates in Congress, with Scott Silver, Director of Wild Wilderness
How I Became a Radical Environmentalist, by Larry David, from the Earth to America, TBS special show

# 85 February 25
No Tax Breaks for Oil Companies, with NY State Senator Liz Krueger
Budget Cuts at the National Renewable Energy Lab, with NRDC’s Join Coifman
Compact, How to Consume Less, with Sarah Pelman and Peter Sealey
Go Vespa, with Paolo Tamoni, CEO of Vespa

# 84 February 18
Urgent Action Required, with Margaret Reeves of Pesticide Action Network
Toxins in Newborns, with Richard Wiles, Environmental Working Group’s Senior Vice-President for Research

Sustainability 101, with Marianne Martin, Assistant Director of the Environmental Center, University of Colorado in Boulder
Saving Nature, with Will Rogers, President of the Trust for Public Land and Bill Cronon, Author of Saving Nature in Time
Protecting our Nation’s Waterways, with Joan Mulhern, Earthjustice’s Senior Legislative Counsel

# 83 February 11
Sun’s Cool Threads, with Greg Papadopoulos, Executive Vice-President Sun Microsystems
1000 Barrels a Second (part 2), with Peter Tertzakian Energy Economist and Author of 1000 Barrels a Second
Sustainable Travels, with Vladislav Davidzon, Director of Sustainable Energy in Motion Bicyle Tours
Science Integrity. with Francesca Grifo of the Union of Concerned Scientists

# 82 February 4
Imminent Danger, with NASA’s Chief Climate Scientist, Jim Hansen
1000 Barrels a Second (part 1), with Peter Tertzakian Energy Economist and Author of 1000 Barrels a Second
Ideas for Valentine’s Day, with Kristin Patten (Canadian Institute for
Sustainable Living) and Matthew White of Green Karat
Organic Wines,
Flowers and Chocolates, with Barney Feinblum (Organic Vintners),
Margaret Reeves (Pesticide Action Network) and Gerald Prolman (Organic

# 81 January 28
Peter McCloskey Against Richard Pombo, with Peter McCloskey
Climate Action in California, with Michael Hanemann, UC Berkeley
Save Tresles Beach, by NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld
Spying of Greenpeace, with John Passacontado, Executive Director of Greenpeace USA
Bad Chemistry, with NRDC’s writer Gay Daly about endocrine disruptors

#80 January 21
Protecting the Wolverines, with Earthjustice’s Advocate Tim Preso
Save the Pikas, by EcoTalk’s Shana Weber
A Lawsuit to Protect the Polar Bears, with Greenpeace’s Tim Miller
A Renewable Energy Plan for Hawai, with Kyle Datta of the Rocky Mountain Institute
Carbon Sequestration, with Jason Smith of and Craig Coulter of

# 79  January 14
Kleercut, with Pamela Wellner, Senior Forest Campaigner for Greenpeace
Killer Storms, with Tim Barnett, Research Marine Physicist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Good News about Global Warming, with Kevin Knobloch, President of the Union of Concerned Scientists

# 78 January 7
Top Ecostories of 2005, with David Roberts of Grist Magazine
No Idle Zone, with Amy Warren of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
The End of Suburbia, with Julian Dorley, Director of the Post Carbon Institute
Syriana, by NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld

Global warming and you

On Saturday December 31 we are going to rerun the program aired on October 21.
Happy new year and all our best wishes for a greener 2006!
LISTEN to the whole show (37 min)

Wilma taking aim at the Florida coast and the hurricane center quickly
running out of names we’ll speak with global warming guru Ross Gelbspan
about "Katrina’s True Name". The author, journalist and lecturer tells
us why we should prepare for more extreme weather. We’ll also be
chatting with Laurie David, eco-activist and wife of Curb Your
Enthusiasm’s Larry David. Laurie discusses why she’s so enthusiastic
about curbing global warming as is Steve Cochran, with Environmental
Defense’s Undo It campaign. We’ll also hear why a change in the climate
is impacting trout habitat in Montana – and what it means to you – from
NRDC’s George Black.

Rossgelbspan_2 Ross Gelbspan Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of Boiling point (just published in paperback).
Listen to the first part of the interview (11 min)
Listen to the second part of the interview (7 minutes)

More info on (the people’s ratification).

We’ll also hear parts of the song Change in the climate by Sharon Abreu

Ed_cochranSteve Cochran, Director of Strategic Communications for Environmental Defense Fund

about their global warming undoit campaign.

Listen (4 min)




Lauriedavid_1 Laurie David Founder and active promoter of the virtual march

Listen (7 min)





Montana2 NRDC‘s magazine OnEarth explores the impact of global warming on trout habitat in Montana: how anglers and environmentalists join forces. George Black is articles Editor for OnEarth and his last book is The Trout Paradox. Listen (7 min)

NRDC also join forces with EcoTalk via a special partnership.

We wish  and hope other groups join us to promote and produce more radiobroadcasts about key environmental issues.


Broadcast Archives
