Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Carbon sequestration

Climateactionnow1The hot new eco-trend, Carbon sequestration – how you can
offset your emissions – will be discussed with Jason Smith, CEO of and Craig Coulter, Partnership Director of Listen (11 min)

EcoTalk #80 Podcasts

EcoTalk #80: Wolverines, Polar Bears and Pikas, Oh My!

Listen to the whole show (37 min)

Segment 1: About carbon sequestration Listen (11 min)

Segment 2: A renewable energy plan for Hawaii  Listen (7 min)

Segment 3: Suing to protect the polar bears  Listen (8 min)

Segment 4: Save the pikas!  Listen (2 min)

Segment 5: Earthjustice needs your help to save the Endangered Species Act  Listen (7 min)

EcoTalk’s sponsors are Pet Ecology, Sun, NRDC, Union of Concerned Scientists, Earthjustice

Have a good week and thank you for passing the word about EcoTalk

EcoTalk #79 Podcasts

EcoTalk #79 podcasts

Listen to the whole program (37 min)

Listen to Pamela Wellner of Greenpeace about their Kleercut campaign (8 min)

Listen to Tim Barnett (Scripps Oceanography) about climate change. (6 min)

Listen to Kevin Knobloch, President, Union of Concerned Scientists about positive steps against global warming (19 min)

EcoTalk’s sponsors are Pet Ecology, NRDC, Union of Concerned Scientists, Earthjustice

Thank you to for hosting the recordings.

Green lining to dark clouds of 2005

Kleercut_ad002This week on EcoTalk you’ll
hear first about the "Kleercut" protest organized by Greenpeace  and NRDC. The
target is Kimberly Clark. Pamela Wellner, Senior Forest Campaigner with
Greenpeace, says the Kleenex maker is using environmentally unfriendly
practices to make tissue, and that’s nothing to sneeze at. Listen (8 min)

Then we’ll
talk to a former global warming skeptic-turned-believer about what role
climate change may or may not have played in last year’s killer storms.
Tim Barnett, a Research Marine Physicist at Scripps Institution of
in San Diego, will tell us why he’s mad as hell at the
Bush administration. Listen (6 min)

Ucsknobloch In our last two segments the focus will be on
the good news about global warming with Union of Concerned Scientists President, Kevin Knobloch.
Have the cataclysmic events of 2005 forced a tipping point in climate
consciousness, and if so, how can that be used to inform and inspire in
06? Listen (19 min)

Listen to the whole program (37 min)

About petrolism

By Thomas Friedman in the New York Times as quoted by the Rainforest action Network.


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