Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Pete McCloskey against Richard Pombo

Pete_home_photoFormer Republican representative Pete McCloskey is coming out of retirement to challenge "Pombo the Plunderer" in
California’s June primary. Could it be that Richard Pombo, a 6-term
Central Valley congressman is attempting to roll back every
environmental law that McCloskey championed back in the 70’s and 80’s,
including the Endangered Species Act?  McCloskey also talks about why
this race is a battle for the "soul of the Republican Party" (Pombo has
also been the recipient of $40,000 in donations from one Jack Abramoff). Listen (7 min)

Climate Action in California

Michael Hanemann, Professor at UC Berkeley discusses an important
new report "Managing greenhouse gas emissions in California" that underlines the economic advantages of climate action.

(5 min)


Save Trestles Beach

NRDC’s Daniel Hinerfeld explains plans to build a new toll highway through the San Onofre State Beach. This move that would destroy Trestles Beach, the Yosemite of surfing, is opposed by many groups including the Surfrider Foundation. Visit NRDC’s Earth Action Center to help save the park.
Listen (3 min)

Spying on Greenpeace

John Passacantando
, Executive
Director of Greenpeace USA  updates us on the lawsuits filed against
the US Government for alleged spying activities on peaceful organizations, including Greenpeace.
Listen (6 min)

Bad Chemistry

NRDC writer Gay Daly talks about Bad Chemistry, the special report she wrote for the Winter 2006 issue of OnEarth Magazine  about the threat of endocrine disruptors and what we can do about it: "There
are now more than 100,000 synthetic chemicals on the market, and these
chemicals are everywhere. They enter our bodies and those of other
animals through every possible route of transmission".  Listen (6 min)


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