Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

1000 barrels a second (part 2)

Pumpdeadend_1_1 Peter Tertzakian, energy economist and author of a just released book, A Thousand Barrels A Second – The Coming of the Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing An Energy Dependent World continues his discussion with Betsy about how to get our society into fuel detox.  Listen (7 min).
Betsy also mentioned Richard Heinberg’s "The Party’s Over". His mot recent book is "Power Down".

Sustainable travels

Oregon_bike_routeVladislav Davidzon, Founder and Executive Director of Sustainable
Energy in Motion Bicycle Tours

Shaun Murphy, Founder of Coolfuel Roadtrip USA  Listen (11 min)

Science Integrity

Politicizedsciencebooksjpgw560h637 Francesca Grifo, Director of the Scientific Integrity Program for the
Union of Concerned Scientists talks about political censorship and distortion of science by the Bush administration. Listen (7 min)

Ecotalk # 82

Listen to the whole show (37 min)

NASA’s Chief Climate Scientist, Jim Hansen

Listen (part 1 = min) Listen (part 2 = 3 min)

Peter Tertzakian,
author of A Thousand Barrels A Second – The Coming of the Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing An Energy Dependent World. Listen

Kristin Patten about diamond mining Listen (3 min)

Matthew White, President of GreenKarat Recycled Gold Jewelry Listen (3 min)
about  organic wines. Listen (5 min)
Margaret Reeves with Pesticide Action Network and Gerald Prolman of Organic Bouquet  Listen (7 min)

Imminent danger

NASA’s Chief Climate Scientist, Jim Hansen,
turned down more than 100 requests for interviews this week in the wake
of a front page New York Times article about administration efforts to
curb his candor in speaking publicly about imminent dangers of global
warming. He chose EcoTalk to share thoughts on what’s behind
attempts to muzzle him and why we must take action now.
Listen (part 1 = 9 min)
Listen (part 2 = 3 min)

ALL music on EcoTalk #82 is from M.U.S.E. Musicians United to
Sustain the Environment
, a nonprofit organization using the creativity
of music to make a pragmatic environmental impact.


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