Listen to the whole show (37 min) or listen to the various segments: NRDC’s Jon Coifman about oil addiction Listen (9 min)
NY State Representative Liz Krueger Listen (7 min)
Sarah Pelmas and Peter Sealey about "Compact" Listen (7 min)
Listen to the whole show (37 min) or listen to the various segments: NRDC’s Jon Coifman about oil addiction Listen (9 min)
NY State Representative Liz Krueger Listen (7 min)
Sarah Pelmas and Peter Sealey about "Compact" Listen (7 min)
Our program comes out of New York this week so we’ll speak with state senator, Liz Krueger
who’s questioning mixed messaging behind a vote by her fellow New York
representatives to grant tax breaks to big oil companies while the
White House touts the benefits of renewable energy.
Politics turned to
parody this week as Prez Bush visited the Energy Department’s National
Renewable Energy Lab that had just been eviscerated by budget cuts.
Several dozen laid off employees were quickly called back to perhaps
serve as examples of "renewable" energy sources? So now that the
workers are back where will the money come from for any action? NRDC‘s Jon Coifman weighs in.
LISTEN (9 min)
We’ll talk to several Californians about the new "Compact", a vow taken by several hundred people to not buy anything but essentials this year.
Co-founder annd schoolteacher Sarah Pelmas will share what she’s learned from this social experiment with commentary from another academic, Peter Sealey, a marketing professor at the Haas School of Business in Berkeley.
Lastly, a chat with Paolo Timoni, President and CEO of Vespa and two other motorized vehicle companies on how Americans can kick their oil habit by buying a scooter!
First, urgent action: Dr. Margaret Reeves from Pesticide Action Network wants us to help stop carcinogenic Methyl Iodide from being registered as a pesticide by EPA. Email your comment before Tuesday February 21st!
Would it shock you to learn that chemicals, some of them toxic, were found to be present in 100% of newborns tested for exposure? We’ll hear more about that alarming development from Richard Wiles, Environmental Working Group (EWG) Senior VP for Research. Discussing toxins found in the blood of umbilical cords and actions to tackle this problem. Here is a clickable table of product categories, from carpeting to clothes, that you can browse and shopping advice for consumers.
Ohio Citizen Action is working on this and has compiled some good info. LISTEN (7 min)
Marianne Martin, Associate Director, University of Colorado at Boulder, Environmental Center talks about Sustainability 101 classes. LISTEN (7 min)
Will Rogers, President, Trust for Public Land and Bill Cronon, Professor of History, Geography, and Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin – Madison , author of a forthcoming book "Saving Nature in Time" talk about the importance of protecting land in 21st Century environmental conservation. LISTEN (7 min)
Joan Mulhern, Earthjustice‘s Senior Legislative Counsel, talks about recent Administration efforts to undermine environmental protection of our nations waterways, and what we can do about it, now.
More information about the pending cases in front of the Supreme Court. LISTEN (7 min)
The Portland Peace and Justice Center is organizing this summer a series of bike tours in Oregon. Betsy will tell us about it and you can win a free spot by entering the raffle via this link. Clicking this link will also bring you a $50 discount on the standard $125 registration fee.
Greg Papadopoulos, Executive VP and Chief Technology Officer for
Sun Microsystems discusses Sun’s Eco-Responsibility Initiative and the new "cool threads technology" that saves energy and space . Listen (10 min)