Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

The Fate of the Ocean

Julia Whitty has been making nature documentaries
for the past twenty-five years specializing in underwater
films. Her story in the March/April issue of Mother Jones
is entitled The Fate Of The Ocean :"Our oceans are under attack and
approaching a point of no return. Can we survive if the seas go silent?" LISTEN (12min)

More information

Call your Senator against off-shore drilling

Jim Presswood
brings us up to date on off-shore drilling. Call and/or write your Senators to
ask them to vote against the Domenici-Bingaman bill.

LISTEN (7 min)

James Speth about global warming

ClimatespethenlargedJames Speth, Dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and author of Red Sky at Morning, America and the Crisis of the Global Evironment (2004),
joined us in studio to talk about global warming and his call for action in a
recent letter
to the Editor of the NY Times.

RedskyjacketLISTEN (part 1: 11 min)
LISTEN (part 2: 7 min)

Wild Wilderness needs advocates in Congress

Scott_silver_6x7_colorScott Silver Director of
Wild Wilderness explains the growing threat of privatization of public
lands, how user’s fees are preventing poor people from accessing our public
parks and why he is running for Congress in Oregon’s second district.
LISTEN (7 min)

How I became a radical environmentalist, by Larry David

Larry_nrdc_hatThis week we have a great treat thanks to our cooperation with NRDC: from Earth to America! a TBS special show produced by NRDC trustie Laurie David, here is
Larry David explaining how HE became an eco-activist, from Brooklyn to Tuna. Enjoy 🙂
LISTEN (7 min)


Broadcast Archives
