Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Kyoto Now!

Shana Weber talks about the Penn State Eco-Action’s Kyoto Now! campaign. The aim is for the University administration
to come up with a greenhouse gas mitigation policy with clear and measurable
objectives. The campaign based on the Kyoto Protocol is part of a larger, national youth climate change movement.  LISTEN (4 min)

Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association

Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers
shares with us what it means for the organic label to
be going mainstream.
LISTEN (8 min)

Gold Mine Threatens Pristine Waters of Lower Slate Lake

Demian Schane, Staff Attorney with EarthjusticeJuneau office explains  how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has authorized the giant Coeur d’Alene Mine corporation to operate the Kensington Project and dump millions of tons of gold mine tailings directly into
pristine Lower Slate Lake
. LISTEN (8 min)

Patient Capital for a Sustainable Future

Patient Capital for a Sustainable Future is a conference that will take place in San Francisco on May 10/12.  Co-Organizer Woody Tasch, CEO of Investors Circle explains the concept of "slow money" and how since 1992 IC has invested over $100 million in 163 companies.
LISTEN(11 min)

Recycled Glass

Miranda Magagnini is CoCEO of IceStone a company making gorgeous (and greener)
alternatives to granite and marble from recycled glass.
LISTEN (7 min)


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