Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Kick the Oil Habit

Former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, now with the Center for American Progress discusses CAFÉ standards
and his strategy for development of ethanol as an alternative fuel for
the U.S.
He also announces the kickoff of the new Kick
the Oil Habit
campaign to engage the public in the demand
for new energy alternatives.

LISTEN part 1 (12 min) and part  2 (7 min) Due to a technical problem with the server at the audiofiles are not accessible, here are alternate links you can use for this segment:

Download EcoTalk97-1.mp3 (part 1) ,  Download EcoTalk97-2.mp3 (part 2)

Read his Miles for Cob article.

CAFE standard = Carbon Alternative Fuel Equivalent


Organic Cotton

Rebecca Calahan Klein, President of Organic Exchange explains how the organic clothing market is taking off.  LISTEN (12 min)

More information: Sustainable Cotton Project

Destroying Precious Forests to Make Tissue

Darby Hoover coordinates NRDC’s campaigns to promote the use of recycled paper products by US colleges with a 3 ponged approach: paper procurement, use reduction and recycling. Destroying precious forests to produce disposable tissues is the reason for targeting Kimberly Klark and pressuring the pulp and paper industry to change its ways. LISTEN (8 min)

More inforrmation: A shopper’s guide to home tissue products, saving paper in schools

Pro-Environment Candidates

, chairman of the Environmental Alliance,
discusses the group’s focus on electing pro-environment candidates.
LISTEN (11 min)

PVC, the Poison Plastic

Lois Marie Gibbs,

Executive Director, Center for Health, Environment and Justice t
ells us about the phasing-out of PVC (a major toxin found
in our air and our bloodstreams).
LISTEN (7 min)


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