Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Kick the Oil Habit Road Trip

Supported by the Center for American Progress, they are trying to cross the US using only E85 fuel (the ethanol blend). Read the blog and LISTEN (7 min)

Blue-Green Alliance

Larry Fahn
  is Past 
President of the Sierra Club and currently Executive Director of As You Sow. He speaks about the Blue-Green Alliance and  its launch in Ohio.


PhotoVoltaics Now – PVNOW

David Hochschild
is Executive Director of PVNOW, a coalition of leading photovoltaic companies focused
on expanding the US market for solar electricity.
He got involved
with solar energy when he was a Special Assistant to the Mayor of San Francisco in 2001 and worked to put together San Francisco’s
$100 Million solar bond initiative to pay for large scale solar roofs
on public buildings. He went on to co-found the Vote Solar Initiative,
a public interest organization working to bring solar energy into the
mainstream, where he has worked to pass California’s new
$3.2 billion solar initiative
, the largest solar program in the nation. LISTEN (7:50 min)

Vital Signs

Erik Assadourian from the WorldWatch
Institute talks about the just-released report
aptly titled “Vital Signs”
which takes the pulse of current
global trends
: Food, Agricultural Resources, Communications and Transportation, Energy
and Climate, Environment, Global Economy, Resource Economics, Health
and Disease, Population and Society, War and Conflict.

Green Picnics and Bar-B-Ques


Now is the time for Summer Picnics and Bar-B-Ques.
We’ll be speaking with Lawrence Axil Comras, founder
about picnic products that help you party in harmony with your outdoor
setting. LISTEN (7 min)


Broadcast Archives
