Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Jill Buck: Eco-Friendly Schools


Jill Buck, President of the Go Green Initiative
joins us in studio to tell us how to make schools across the country
LISTEN (7 min)

This is a rerun of our March 11 show.

Julia Whitty about the Fate of the Ocean

Julia Whitty has been making nature documentaries
for the past twenty-five years specializing in underwater
films. Her story in the March/April issue of Mother Jones
is entitled The Fate Of The Ocean :"Our oceans are under attack and
approaching a point of no return. Can we survive if the seas go silent?" LISTEN (12min)
More information

This is a rerun of our March 11 show.

Against Off-Shore Drilling

Jim Presswood
brings us up to date on off-shore drilling. Call and/or write your Senators to
ask them to vote against the Domenici-Bingaman bill.
LISTEN (7 min)

This is a rerun of our March 11 show.

Davis Guggenheim

Davis1 Until the end of August we’ll air a selection of our previous shows. This is a rerun of our June 3 show.
Davis Guggenheim
, Director of An Inconvenient Truth talks about the movie.
LISTEN (Part 1, 12 min), Part 2 (7 min)

Also this interview in Grist

Al Gore

Betsy talks with with Al Gore about An Inconvenient Truth.
LISTEN (Part 1, 12 min) Part 2 (5 min)

More up to date information in the blog. You can also read the book.

This is a rerun of our June 3 show.


Broadcast Archives
