Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Gavin Newsom: Greening San Francisco


Until the end of August we are
recycling the Best of EcoTalk while our team regroups for some exciting changes coming up in September. Stay tuned!
This is a rerun of our March 11 show.
Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco, details several ongoing local programs: going from paper and plastic bags to cloth, curbside composting, solar panels, alternative fuels and the upcoming An Inconvenient Truth with Al Gore.
 LISTEN (11 min)

This is a rerun of our April 15 show.

Daniel Imhoff: Paper or Plastic

Daniel Imhoff, author of the book
Paper or Plastic: searching for solutions to an overpackaged world

tells us about our daily 300 million coffee cups, 45 million plastic
bottles (only 12% are recycled), 50 million palets (most trashed). LISTEN (7 min)

This is a rerun of our April 15 show.

Women’s Environmental Leadership

Peggy Lauer
(picture) and Annette Gellert join us from the WELL Network (Women’s Environmental Leadership) a bi-partisan
network of citizen leaders offering green solutions for environmental
and health crises. They also discuss the California Chemical Policy Reform to emulate what’s happening in the European Union. LISTEN (12 min)

This is a rerun of our April 15 show.

Deborah Williams: Alaska Conservation Solutions

Deborah Williams,
President of Alaska Conservation Solutions explains the role Alaska can
play to make people understand that global warming is real and
"something must be done". She quotes the report by the climate group, "Carbon down, profits up" that shows reducing global warming is good for business. LISTEN (7:50 min)

This is a rerun of our April 15 show.

Tribute to Dennis Weaver

Until the end of August we are
recycling the Best of EcoTalk while our team regroups for some exciting changes coming up in September. Stay tuned!
This is a rerun of our March 11 show.
When actor and former Gunsmoke star Dennis Weaver passed away last month few obituaries mentioned his environmental work. In the latter part of his life Weaver worked passionately for the planet. In addition to founding The Institute of Ecolonomics (merging of ecological and economic concerns), he drove a state-of-the- art hybrid car across the country and built a home made from recycled rubber and aluminum. His close friend, Peter La Vaute, who now runs the institute, will join us to talk about Dennis’ environmental legacy. LISTEN (11 min)


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