Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

Gold Mine Threatens Pristine Waters of Lower Slate Lake

Lowerslatelake_smThis is a rerun of our May 13 program.

Demian Schane, Staff Attorney with EarthjusticeJuneau office explains  how the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has authorized the giant Coeur d’Alene Mine corporation to operate the Kensington Project and dump millions of tons of gold mine tailings directly into
pristine Lower Slate Lake
. LISTEN (8 min)

Global Warming: Be Worried, Be Very Worried

Timecoverapril3_4This is a rerun of our April 1st program.
Jeffrey Kluger wrote the cover story in TIME Magazine: Global warming, be worried, be very worried. Read and LISTEN (11 min)

Black Mesa: Coal against Water

BlackmesalogoThis is a rerun of our April 1st program.
‘s Daniel Hinerfeld reports on efforts to protect the sacred water of Black Mesa.

The main source of water for many Hopi and Navajo in northeastern Arizona is the pristine Navajo aquifer beneath Black Mesa.  Its water is so pure that you can drink it straight out of the ground.

But according to a new report by the Natural Resources Defense Council, the aquifer is in trouble. 
Decades of pumping by coal mining giant Peabody Energy are taking a toll.  And now Peabody wants to pump out 50 percent MORE water to move coal through a pipeline in the desert. LISTEN (7 min)

Easy Steps for Ecofriendly Living

Heralthyhomeworkbook_1This is a rerun of our April 1st program.
Designer Kimberly Rider, author of The -just released- Healthy Home Workbook explains how to green your home and your daily life and Frances Goldberg shares her comments as an enthusiastic reader. LISTEN (12 min)

Greener Pastures

A_vache_1_1 This is a rerun of our April 1st program.
Kate Clancy , Senior Scientist with the Food and Environment program at the Union of Concerned Scientists authored the report
Greener Pastures: How Grass-fed Beef and Milk Contribute to Healthy Eating : "There are no losers in producing cattle entirely on pasture. Farmers
win, consumers win, the environment wins, and even the cattle win." LISTEN (8 min)


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