Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

EcoTalk Daily since September 18

Peter Fox-Penner: Pro-Environment Candidates

Tree_3 This is a rerun of our May 12 program.

, chairman of the Environmental Alliance,
discusses the group’s focus on electing pro-environment candidates.
LISTEN (11 min)

PVC, the Poison Plastic

Lois Marie Gibbs,

Executive Director, Center for Health, Environment and Justice t
ells us about the phasing-out of PVC (a major toxin found
in our air and our bloodstreams).
LISTEN (7 min)

This is a rerun of our May 13 program

Kyoto Now!

Shana Weber talks about the Penn State Eco-Action’s Kyoto Now! campaign. The aim is for the University administration
to come up with a greenhouse gas mitigation policy with clear and measurable
objectives. The campaign based on the Kyoto Protocol is part of a larger, national youth climate change movement.  LISTEN (4 min)

This is a rerun of our May 13 program.

Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association

Ronnie Cummins of the Organic Consumers
shares with us what it means for the organic label to
be going mainstream.
LISTEN (8 min)
This is a rerun of our May 13 program.


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