Author Archives: Philippe Boucher

EcoTalk Affiliates as of October 1st 2006

Below is the list of affiliates that currently air EcoTalk.
If your local radio affiliate does not yet air EcoTalk, please call or email them to ask them to air the show. 
Listener appeals to local stations get results!
Thank you for your support.

New York, NY   WWRL-AM 1600 mon-fri 9p-10p

Los Angeles, CA  KTLK-AM 1150 sat-sun 11p-12m

San Francisco, CA  KQKE-AM 960 mon-fri 9p-10p

Detroit, MI   WWWW-AM 1310 mon-fri 9p-10p

Seattle-Tacoma, WA  KPTK-AM 1090 sat 12n-1p

Phoenix, AZ   KPHX-AM 1480 mon-fri  1-2am (low wattage)

Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN KTNF-AM 950 sat 1p-2p

Denver-Boulder, CO  KKZN-AM 760 mon-fri 10p-11p

San Antonio TX   KTXX-FM 103.1 mon-fri 11p-12m

Columbus, OH   WTPG-AM 1230 mon-fri 9p-10p

Austin, TX   KOKE-AM 1600 mon-fri 11p-12m

Memphis, TN   WWTQ-AM 680 mon-fri 8p-9p

Fresno, CA   KFPT-AM 790 mon-fri  6p-7p

Akron, OH  WARF-AM  1350 mon-fri  9p-10p

El Paso, TX   KHRO-AM 1650 mon-fri 7p-8p

Columbia, SC   WOIC-AM 1230 mon-fri 9p-10p

Spokane, WA   KPTQ-AM 1280 mon-fri 9p-10p

Madison, WI   WXXM-FM 92.1 tu-sa 12m-1a

Lafayette, LA   KEUN-AM 1490 mon-fri 8p-9p

Victor Valley, CA  KSZL-AM 1230 mon-fri  6p-7p

Corpus Christi, TX  KCCT-AM 1150 mon-fri 8p-9p

Davenport-Rock Is.-Moline, IA-ILWKBF-AM 1270 mon-fri 8p-9p

Ann Arbor, MI   WLBY-AM 1290 mon-fri 9p-10p

Portland, ME   WLVP-AM 870 mon-fri 9p-10p

San Luis Obispo, CA  KYNS-AM 1340 mon-fri 11p-12m

Binghamton, NY  WYOS-AM 1360 mon-fri 9p-10p

Duluth-Superior, MN-WI  KQDS-AM 1490 mon-fri 8p-9p

Santa Fe, NM   KTRC-AM 1260 mon-fri 7p-8p

Ithaca, NY   WNYY-AM 1470 mon-fri 9p-10p

The Florida Keys FL  WKIZ-AM 1500 mon-fri 9p-10p

Sheridan, WY   KYTI-FM 93.7 mon-fri 7p-8p

Albany/Corvallis, OR  KTHH-AM 990 mon-fri 9p-10p

Taos, NM   KVOT-AM 1340 mon-fri 7p-8p

North Bend/Coos Bay, OR KBBR-AM 1340 mon-fri 

Other ways to listen:

XM Satellite (Ch. 167)

Podcasting on itunes

Stream EcoTalk at
at 9 pm EST

An Inconvenient Truth on KCBS

Betsy about An Inconvenient Truth on KCBS.
LISTEN (1 min)

Liz Galst: Global Worrying

Coverplentyworry Liz Galst talks about Eco-Anxiety, from her article in Plenty Magazine.
LISTEN (18 min)

Joel Makower

Joel Makower founder of
More on his blog: two steps forward.

Adventures with Chickens

ChickenChickens can be an
entertaining, eco-friendly and low-maintenance household pet, even in
urban environments. And the fresh eggs are terrific!
Shana Weber
shares a recent experience moving cross-country
with the family chickens.



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