List Of EcoTalk Segments Aired In 2007
5/18/07 EcoTalk’s Final Show(?) #239
5/18/07 Treehugger Radio
5/18/07 Exxpose Exxon
5/18/07 Richard Heinberg and Madonna help Betsy say Goodbye
5/17/07 Toronto Mayor David Miller and the Clinton Climate Initiative
5/17/07 Paul Ehrlich
5/17/07 Greg & Connie Mattison are taking TV into their own hands with GreenByDesign
5/16/07 Keep EcoTalk on the air with Beantrees Organic Coffee!!! #238
5/16/07 Andres Edwards and EduTracks
5/16/07 Ward Hubbell takes Green Building to Washington
5/16/07 Frank O’Donnell on Bush’s slooow turn towards the light
5/14/07 Best of EcoTalk
5/11/07 Your LAST chance to save EcoTalk
5/11/07 Paul Hawken: Blessed Unrest #237
5/11/07 Kevin Contreras: Building Green
5/11/07 Treehugger Radio
5/10/07 Best of EcoTalk rerun of April 27
5/09/07 The Fate of the Dead Sea #236
5/09/07 Organic Agriculture & the World’s Poor
5/09/07 The Gentle Subversive: Rachel Carson
5/09/07 Verdiem makes computers more energy efficient.
5/08/07 Best of EcoTalk rerun of April 20
5/07/07 Best of EcoTalk rerun of April 19
5/05/07 Media Matters on Glenn Beck and CNN’s new low #235
5/05/07 California Lt. Governor John Garamendi & E-Waste Recycling
5/05/07 Julia Whitty & Mother Jones Magazine: "Gone"
5/05/07 Treehugger gets on the 100 Mile Diet
5/03/07 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Part 3 #234
5/03/07 Stanford University Climatologist Stephen Schneider
5/03/07 200 Chefs rally to Save our Delicious Food
5/03/07 Interior Department Official: I’d rather resign than testify
5/02/07 Best of EcoTalk, rerun of the April 13 program
4/30/07 Greenpeace Canada Targets Prime Minister Harper #233
4/30/07 Vanity Fair’s 2nd Annual Green Issue
4/30/07 Kim McKay: True Green
4/30/07 Lori Pye, Eco-Psychology, and Eco-Suicide
4/27/07 Schwarzenegger tells the EPA to shape up #232
4/27/07 Treehugger: Earth Day Hangover Edition
PG&E’s Nancy McFadden
Clif Bars GreenNotes Program
4/26/07 Best of EcoTalk, rerun of April 16 program
4/25/07 Best of EcoTalk, rerun of April 12 program
4/24/07 Bloomberg: A Greener New York #231
4/24/07 Traffic Relief in New York
Mathis Wackernagel and the Global Footprint Network
Simran Sethi of Treehugger
Best of Ecotalk, rerun of April 6
4/20/07 Earth Day co-founder Pete McCloskey #230
4/20/07 Treehugger: Eco America’s Bob Perkowitz
4/20/07 Home Depot’s New Eco Options
4/19/07 Senator Barbara Boxer gives a damn #229
4/19/07 Matt Peterson and Global Green USA
4/19/07 Orbitz Travel & EcoTourism
4/18/07 Sundance Channel CEO Larry Aidem and "The Green" #228
4/18/07 Frank O’Donnell helps the EPA define "success"
4/18/07 Joshua and Kristi’s Zero-Waste Wedding
4/17/07 Elizabeth Kolbert: Field Notes From A Catastrophe #227
4/17/07 The Environmental Working Group uncovers a Toxic Two-Timer
4/17/07 Patrick Carman: "Atherton: the House of Power"
4/16/07 Science Teacher faces Harrassment for teaching Common Sense #226
4/16/07 SustainLane: How Green is Your City?
4/16/07 Fortune Magazine: The Coolest Companies on the Planet
4/16/07 Marty Essen: Cool Creatures, Hot Planet
4/13/07 TXU Goes Nuclear #225
4/13/07 Controversial LNG Terminal in California
4/13/07 Treehugger Radio
4/12/07 Newsweek: Save the Planet…or Lindzen #224
4/12/07 Judy Wicks and Philly’s White Dog Café: Fun, Food, and Social Activism
4/12/07 Chad Pregracke: From the Bottom Up
4/12/07 Michael Sunanda and the Secret Disappearance of Bees
4/10/07 Best of EcoTalk
4/09/07 Ross Gelbspan on IPCC part 2 #223
4/09/07 Photographer Chris Jordan and consumerism
4/09/07 Peter Shapiro and the Green Apple Music & Arts Festival
4/06/07 Senator John Kerry: This Moment on Earth #222
4/06/07 Mark Goodstein & The Automotive X Prize
4/06/07 Treehugger Radio
4/05/07 Greenpeace’s IPCC Preview #221
4/05/07 Whither Maple Syrup, our Sweetest Resource?
4/05/07 Riane Eisler: The Real Wealth of Nations
4/05/07 Tim Little and the Rose Foundation: Toxics in your Portfolio?
4/04/07 James McCarthy: Highway to Extinction #220
4/04/07 The Greenest Automakers
4/04/07 Mary Ann Hitt and Appalachian Voices
4/04/07 The Earthdance Environmental Film Festiva
4/03/07 Frank O’Donnell: The Supreme Court sees the Obvious #219
4/03/07 A Win For Wildlife
4/03/07 Lester Brown: Ethanol is NOT the Answer
4/03/07 The Greenest School In America? It’s in Hawaii.
4/02/07 Paul Waldman: Media Matters #218
4/02/07 Sander DeVries: 41 Pounds of junkmail a year
4/02/07 Chip Heath: Made to Stick
4/02/07 Dan Imhoff & Food Fight
2/2/07 Jeff Barrie: Kilowatt Ours