Author Archives: Betsy Rosenberg

J.P. TAYLOR: Turn It Around

Turn It Around, by J.P. Taylor, is the theme song of The Green Front. J.P. is a song writer, singer and Eco-Crusader on a musical mission to protect the planet.

Today we air a rerun of the November 17 program with Kelly Coleman and Pr. John Abraham.

Optimum Health Institute: Kirsten Schulz

Schulz headshot This week The Green Front comes to you from San Diego where I am attending a week long retreat at the Optimum Health Institute.
The program is a raw food/juice cleanse detox with daily colonics. The curriculum is based on the transformative health benefits of eating a plant-based diet and incorporating mental and emotional detoxification methods.
We'll meet two OHI "missionaries" who have seemingly  healed themselves of Stage 4 cancer. Kirsten Schulz is a 42 year-old psychologist whose doctors said chemo was her only chance of living. But she came here instead.
Her breast tumor had spread to other organs but after several months on this program it has gone back into her breast only and on the way out of her body, Kirsten is convinced.  


Optimum Health Institute: Peg Harvey-Sweeney’s story of recovery and healing.

Gf-peg Conversation with cancer survivor Peg Harvey-Sweeney who experienced recovery and healing at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego. She was told to get her affairs in order after a cancer diagnosis. Instead she came here and says she is now cancer free!


Colin Beavan: No Impact Man

Images How did an author of history novels go from writing about past events to MAKING history?
We'll find out from Colin Beavan, aka No Impact Man, who spent a year – along with his small family – sharply reducing their ecological impact to near zero.
What prompted such a radical undertaking and how did a journey so many expected to be futile turn out to be fulfilling? Colin's mission was to learn how to reduce waste of materials but learned how to not waste precious moments. He'll tell us how his family's quest to reduce garbage helped them discover an abundance of gratitude.


Gil Friend: The Truth About Green Business

Gil-friendGil Friend, founder and President of NaturaLogic discusses his book "The Truth About Green Business" as well as high and low points for the environment in 2010. The always knowledgeable author, speaker and consultant is optimistic, despite setbacks in climate legislation, that 2011 will bring progress on the green front!



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